Closed Bug 749149 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Sometimes the page loading indicator stops and I don't see a page.


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: davidb, Unassigned)



(1 file)

This is happening for me sometimes still (now in Fennec Nightly/15). I don't have solid STR but if you use the twitter app to open pages in fennec native, go back and forth between the apps to open a few (in tabs), then later try loading another page from twitter via fennec native... this seems to be vaguely the pattern that can reproduce. This is my worst bug description ever, sorry.

Possible duplicates all seem to be marked resolved (699322, 707935, 715854, 728700, 732016, 737355, 746380).

I can probably show people (in Toronto office) this happening on Friday if that helps. (Am I the only one?)

This is my only user problem with FN and sometimes forces me to use stock :(
FWIW I see this too from time to time, though I have no easy way of reproducing -- it seems to happen very randomly.
I managed to show this to Tony today. Seems like the content process crashes and never comes back without quitting FF.
Whiteboard: strwanted
OK let me provide some more details.

Galaxy Nexus
Android 4.0.2

1. load twitter, find tweets with links
2. click link, select "Nightly" as browser
3. observe page loads.
4. go to the android desktop.
5. click the power button on phone to turn screen off.
6. wait 1 min
7. turn phone on, go to twitter and repeat 1,2.

Expected: 3.
Actual: location bar looks good, page load indicator eventually stops, content area is blank white.

As a user, this bug would stop me from using Fennec.
(In reply to David Bolter [:davidb] from comment #3)
> OK let me provide some more details.
> Galaxy Nexus
> Android 4.0.2
> My STR:
> 1. load twitter, find tweets with links
> 2. click link, select "Nightly" as browser
> 3. observe page loads.
> 4. go to the android desktop.
> 5. click the power button on phone to turn screen off.
> 6. wait 1 min
> 7. turn phone on, go to twitter and repeat 1,2.
> Expected: 3.
> Actual: location bar looks good, page load indicator eventually stops,
> content area is blank white.
> As a user, this bug would stop me from using Fennec.

yeah, david showed me this after a few tries.  page stops loading, but content is blank.  i suspect content window crashed.

Please attach adb logs when you reproduce the blank content again.   alogcat is a free app that you can share via email, if you can't install adb.
flagging for triage, as this is an experience that could drive users back to stock android.   adding qawanted as well.
blocking-fennec1.0: --- → ?
Keywords: qawanted
Hoping this is a dupe of bug 749624. If not, let's re-open.
blocking-fennec1.0: ? → ---
Keywords: qawanted
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Adding my logcat in case still useful.
Thanks for the log and STR. It looks like this issue is different than bug 749624, although they're both cases of JS errors killing the gecko side of the app.

I see this suspicious line in the log:
E/GeckoConsole(12667): [JavaScript Error: "browser is null" {file: "chrome://browser/content/browser.js" line: 2084}]
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Removing strwanted (see comment 3 and comment 4). I think I still get this behavior occasionally in nightly (at least) but I haven't logcat'ed in a while to be sure it is the same.

Aaron were you ever able to see this behavior?
Whiteboard: strwanted
I haven't seen this happen in a long time.
Closed: 12 years ago12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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